Saturday, July 27, 2024
FAQsNew Low-Emission Vehicle Policy in Sofia: Restrictions and Alternatives Starting December 2023

New Low-Emission Vehicle Policy in Sofia: Restrictions and Alternatives Starting December 2023

Starting December 1, 2023, Sofia is taking a bold step towards cleaner air with a new policy that bars highly polluting vehicles from its city center. This move, a vital piece of the city’s environmental strategy, zeroes in on the worst offenders in terms of emissions, aiming to breathe fresh life into the air quality during the chilly winter months. Joining the ranks of over 300 cities worldwide, Sofia plans to cut down emissions where they count while rerouting traffic to keep the town moving smoothly. The policy casts a net around central city zones, nudging drivers to rethink using their cars for cross-city trips between the western and eastern districts. Thanks to eco-stickers on car windshields that flaunt a vehicle’s environmental grade, determining who gets a green light into these low-emission havens is a breeze.

More information about EURO-1 vehicles and low-emission zones can be obtained from the Sofia Municipality web page.

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